REACH Information
Important information for all tattoo artists and tattoo parlour owners
As you all have probably already noticed, we are currently in the transitional period of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2020/2021, also called: Tattoo-REACH, which will come into effect on January 4th, 2022.
This new law regulates tattoo inks throughout the European Union and is intended to create an EU-wide uniform standard. It also limits the use of certain ingredients, among other things including some pigments and preservatives that were previously allowed for use in production of tattoo inks.
In the future, some of these pigments may only be allowed in very small amounts in tattoo inks. Maximum limit values in the range 0.02% and below therefore practically prohibit the use of these substances. Prominent examples of this are blue 15 and green 7. Many ambitious petitions have been started in order to susatain tattoo colors, which, by the way, are still running. For the pigments blue 15 and green 7, however, there is a transition period until 2023. (At this point we want to call on everyone again to support the petition “Save the Pigments”. For more information just click here!)
However, other pigments and preservatives are affected by this reagulatiopn as well, some of which are found in the tattoo ink brands we sell. For various reasons, the manufacturers of these brands have not yet succeeded in replacing the regulated ingredients with other ingredients and achieving a guaranteed and consistent quality of the affected color shades. After several discussions on the current situation, we have to inform you that a large part of the currently offered tattoo inks in our range may no longer be sold, bought, used and stored from January 4th, 2022.
Unfortunately, we have not received sufficient information from our suppliers as to when alternatives can be expected. Shortly all colors that are still stored and offered by us in our online shop will be provided with a notewill be marked for your convinience and overview.
We understand the uncertainty that has existed on your side since the beginning of the year with the publication of the REACH and still persists to this day.
We have been trying to utilise our reach and influence for years and will continue to try and find a timely solution together with the manufacturers of tattoo inks and all stakeholders for this industry-wide problem.
If you have any current questions on this topic, please send us an email to We will of course try as best we can to help you. As soon as there is news on this topic, you will be informed immediately.
We will get through this probably rather colorless time together! We hope that we will all soon be able to enjoy the full color spectrum of all tattoo colors again.